Saturday, November 3, 2012

I'm way behind on news and current affairs from Sierra Leone. My apologies... and promises to try to update the blog more often in the future. Yes, I've been busy... sometimes on Facebook. So, what I thought I'd do is put some of my Facebook posts on this blog. Good idea? Here's one from yesterday about an article in a local paper that made me laugh. I had to laugh... I read a statement from the women's leader of the SLPP, Isata Kabba. (Premier News, 2 November, pg 3) Apparently Kadie Sesay, SLPP running mate, didn't participate in a VP debate with other candidates, specifically the running mate for the APC, Sam Sumana because of Mr. Sumana's "dubious record". Her statement, it sounded like, was exactly the same as the reason given by the APC flagbearer when asked why he wouldn't debate with opposition leader, Maada Bio... something about not wanting to be on stage with someone who was lawless and disrespectful. And, Kadie Sesay also noted that she would not participate in debates organized by APC supporters. It sounds like they're all using the same "play book"... accusations, counter-accusations, jabs and parries. Oh so interesting... S/

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