Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lockdown - day three, Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another interesting day under the "ose-to-ose Ebola tok sensitization campaign". The President declared the three day "stay-at-home" period to help combat the Ebola disease. Much debate raged. Political lines were drawn. People gathered food and worried about their fates.

A rousing chorus of opposition arose from the religious communities - Muslims and Christians. The President asked each group to stay away from mosques and churches for the weekend. I thought this was interesting, given the highly religious nature of this country. The Inter-religious Council condoned the closure of institutions - but just this once, apparently.

But, as I walked through a small neighbourhood this morning, I could hear religious singing off in the distance. It was quiet, hushed and subdued but immediately recognizable. I rounded the corner of my friend's house and noticed a small group of people through the door of a neighbour's house. In this small community, neighbours had gathered to quietly defy the President... and secretly worship and pray for this country.

Not being a religious guy, my immediate thought was, "don't get caught". But, as Mary, my friend, came out of the house and explained... quietly, that they just decided to get together to pray and sing together. "We're afraid and we need to come together to pray. We need God to save this country."

I nodded and strolled back towards my little motorbike to make my rounds.

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